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helping you build
& improve your organization

We are a consulting agency here to serve emerging non-profit agencies in developing quality improvements that impact communities, and the hopeful entrepreneur in building a profitable business.

here to help you build
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services for both non-profits & entrepreneurs

FREE Non-Profit Program Diagnostic Survey

We offer a complimentary

4-minute survey to provide you with a preliminary assessment of your programs impact. 

Non-Profit Development

3-month minimum contractual commitment to develop an impactful program, processes and/or new department, including but not limited to:

  • Program Design

  • Strategic Planning

  • Yearly Metrics & Logic Models

  • Professional Training & Development

Non-Profit Quality Improvement

3-month minimum contractual commitment to improve the quality of your non-profit program(s) including but not limited to:

  • Program Evaluation

  • Data Management & Reporting

  • Quality Improvement Training

  • Measurement, Evaluation & Assessments

  • Process Improvement

  • Custom QI Projects (accreditation)

FREE Entrepreneur eBook:
Is My Business Idea Profitable?
5 answers to the question most beginning entrepreneurs ask

How do you know if you have a good business idea? Instead discover if you have a profitable business idea!

Small Business Start Up

3-month minimum contractual commitment to consult and work hands-on with you in building your business, including but not limited to:

  • Mission and Vision

  • Products and Service Creation

  • Marketing (including Digital Marketing and Platform Ads)

  • Selling

  • Website Creation

3-Part Consulting Session

Three 1 hour, one-on-one sessions to help you organize ideas, define mission, goals and next steps to begin your entrepreneurship journey!

Apply to enroll in Seed Money Academy, an online 6-week intensive for hopeful entrepreneurs to learn business acumen and receive a chance to win $1,500 in seed money toward their business.

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let us explain in this 55 second video!


about our founder and lead consultant

janay kearney

Plow & Grow LLC was created by Janay Kearney to make consulting
manageable and accessible for non-profit leaders & hopeful entrepreneurs. 
Janay Kearney started Plow & Grow LLC from her own successful entrepreneurial endeavors and over 7 years experience of organizational sales/marketing and quality improvement. With the onset of COVID-19, Plow & Grow met the needs of struggling entrepreneurs, pivoting professionals & non-profit organizations after many organizational lay offs and transitions. The work continues, as people are still searching for solutions and assistance to help them build the organization of their dreams - Will you be next to build & grow with us?


“Healthy and deliberate businesses have the ability to change lives by breaking glass ceilings and igniting fulfilling work! My life's goal is to make this possible for myself and others looking for freedom from stigmas and finding purpose through meaningful work.”

our lead consultant's resume by the numbers

non-profit resume




years of experience in Organizational Quality Improvement, Selling & Program Management

approval rating in the last 4 years on organizational performance evaluations for quality improvement

of 460 total non profit colleagues surveyed within Social Current's APEX seminar would recommend Janay's online training in "Presenting Data to Sr. Leadership" to other colleagues




non-profit programs managed in quality improvement within the span of 5 years

participants demographic data managed and reported on in the last 2 years

year to improve non-profit organizational data sharing by designing an internal data hub to eliminate data silos & improve data access & engagement to an average view time of 4.5 minutes

entrepreneur & sales resume




sold within the first 4 months in professional sports sales from cold calling and in-person appointments

earned revenue in 3 months, from self -published book sales from a self organized book tour 

earned revenue in online drop shipping store within the first 5 months of operations


what are clients saying?

"Plow & Grow has helped my business tremendously! After just one consulting session, my small business was able to increase revenue by 560%. Plow & Grow didn't just help us look at business differently but helped us look at the value of my business differently"

Larry D.

media & publishing small business owner (Houston, TX)

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how impactful is your non-profit program?
Take the FREE Non-Profit Program Diagnostic Survey to find out!


Delivering positive measurable results through effective services to meet the specific need(s) of a community.


Non-Profit organizations strive to create and build "impactful" programs - but how do you know for sure that your program is making a true impact in the community it is serving? Impact has evolved beyond a "good feeling" or display of doing good work, but having evidence and proof that your program(s) are delivering quality service that meet the needs of the community! In 2019, the National Center on Charitable Statistics noted that 30% of non-profit organizations will fail within 10 years and over half will stagnate or cease to exist, within the first few years. Author, Tracy Ebarb shared, there were 7 main reasons Non-Profits fail, mentioning,

The Fear of Information as #7,


"Few [Non-Profits] have enough data to guide planning, analyze management systems, or redirect underperforming programs or communications ... the entrepreneurial spirit of charity leaders causes them to fly by the seat of their pants, to trust their own (often flawed) instincts." 

Plow & Grow Consulting wants to serve your Non-Profit organization by helping YOU develop and improve through "high impact" programs, so your organization can run efficiently while attracting and retaining employees and financial resources. This FREE Program Diagnostic Survey can provide you with key information to help develop and improve "low impact" programs.

Programs that present as "low impact" often experience the following:

  • low or decreasing participant engagement

  • inconsistent and unclear direction with program planning and goals

  • inability to attract and retain funding/resources

  • inability to attract and retain quality talent

  • high employee turnover

  • 30% chance of becoming inactive within 10 years (source: National Center on Charitable Statistics. 2019)


Plow & Grow LLC created a FREE Diagnostic tool to provide a preliminary assessment of your program's impact, give it a try and click below!

Benefits of taking the Diagnostic Survey

After you complete our Non-Profit Diagnostic survey, Plow & Grow will review your submitted answers carefully and email your results within 24-72 hours! You will then receive the following,


  • Your score out of our 14-point scoring system

  • An explanation of our scoring criteria

  • Suggestions to improve impact for your Non Profit Program!


Within a week you can have a basic assessment completed and a preliminary improvement plan at your fingertips!

"These are solid questions overall! This is a great way for an agency to assess their program for impact"

Mary W.

Non Profit Vice President (Chicago, IL)

Your answer to the question hopeful & nervous entrepreneurs ask the most,
"Is my business idea profitable?

Get entrepreneurial consulting by downloading this eBook for



"Is My Business Idea Good?" is the most common question asked by Plow & Grow clients and clients alike. Have you ever asked someone this or thought this yourself? Yet, the better question to ask is


"Is My Business Idea PROFITABLE?"

Entrepreneurship presents possibilities of freedom and ownership yet involves a lot of risk and investment which is attractive, overwhelming and frightening to say the least.


How can you become confident in your business idea to continue pursuing your dreams of entrepreneurship? Wasting money is discouraging but what's even more discouraging is wasting time! This eBook will help you think deeply to reassess your business idea and avoid a fruitless approach. One way to bypass discouragement is through knowledge, the more you know, the more your courage increases!


This eBook, written by Founder and CEO, Janay Kearney, will help you think deeply to reassess your business idea and avoid a fruitless approach. Plow & Grow consulting is here to help you build the LIFE of your dreams through entrepreneurship! 

"This is an amazing resource for a new business owner and entrepreneur. This eBook provided some very practical and simple keys for any new business owner to start using immediately! Janay breaks this down in a very easy to understand and non-intimidating approach."


Dominique H.

Author & Lifestyle entrepreneur (Deerfield, IL)

"I read this eBook quickly and understood everything! I learned the most about pricing and how to make my business more profitable so that I don't short change myself or overprice my service."

Samantha B.

Hopeful Entrepreneur (Wash., DC)

Get your FREE eBook:
Is My Business Idea Profitable?,
by completing this form!
I'm downloading this eBook because...(select all that apply)

contact our lead consultant or send a general inquiry

Let’s Work Together!

Janay Kearney

Check out some of our Clients


Thanks for reaching out! We will be in contact with you!

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